Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Potential Earth With the Help of the Internet

Jeremy Rifkin: The Empathic Civilization and Michio Kaku: Will Mankind Destroy Itself?, are both mind changing videos.  They provoked a lot of questions from the viewer. 

The main point in Rifkin video was to show how internet plays a major part in humanity.  He uses the term “empathy” to explain a lot of how the connect to each other.  The concepts are concepts that provokes an impulse that causes your head to tilt to the side like that of a dog when you do something abnormal.  He explains how humans attempt to be a part of each other and that’s the main goal.

Kaku’s video interest me the most.  The big question was “Will Mankind Destroy itself?”  This is a question that hunts me on a regular basis.  He attempts to explain how the internet is a great way to avoid world destruction.  His theory is the reason why we’ve never discovered intelligent life form in outer space is because those intelligent life forms perhaps destroyed themselves with world wars and so on.  He thinks that in about a hundred years our world will reach a “type one civilization.”  He explains different civilizations with us as of now being type zero because we receive our energy from the earth. 

The internet is becoming a source that links all of us together.  It helps so much with the growth and development of civilization as we know it.  It is much larger than what we see it as now. I don’t think we’re able to articulate the ability of the internet yet!  Once we are able to I think we’ll be on a verge of something new, if we don’t destroy ourselves first or during the process. 

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