Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Future and Past at War

Future and Past Are at War!

The thesis in the film RIP! A Remix Manifesto by Brett Gaylor proposes a lot of question and ideas.  His four main theses was: 1) Culture always builds on the past,  2) The past always tries to control the future, 3) Our future is becoming less free, 4) To build free societies, you must limit the control of the past.  I agree very much with what he is saying because in today’s society we attempt to try and use the past for everything, instead of using the past to help with our future we use the past to control our future.  We see this being done in many different ways, including government, religion, the criminal justice system, and so much more. 

In relationship to copyrights I agree with him to a certain extent.  It is not right that certain people chooses to Copyright material to the point that allows the material so protected it that it can’t be taken away from.  But also I think it’s just as right for people to have rights over what they created and choose to do what they want to do with their creation.  But I also feel the same as Gaylor feels, “Copyright is used so everyone can make a profit”. 

The world is made up of collaborations, remixes, and adaptations.  “There is nothing new under the sun.”- The Bible One example of this that was found in the film is the discovery of blues.  The artist who is said to be the founder of blues did not create it.  The artist discovered it from someone else, which eventually rooted back to songs sang in the cotton field during slavery.

Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. 

This movement is a movement that I feel America needs.  We need to be able to spread and share our creativity to promote the betterment of society.  With collaboration and communication, we are able to discover and create more.  Just like the old motto says, “two heads are better than one”. 

“This world is made up of collaborators.  We can change the world….”  The anecdote is simple, “Build on the past, that’s the future.” – Brett Gaylor

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