Monday, November 11, 2013

Truth Seekers!

This week’s tasks was mildly simple.  This is not my first time using Windows Movie Maker, but this is the most complex movie I have ever done.  I took the time to make a narration over a slide show using Window Movie Maker (WMM).  I also put music in the background to play under the narration which added a more flavorful feel to the movie.  The music that I added was legally able to be added to my video and aired online for free.  I did my copyright research so that I wouldn’t be sued. 

The example video really helped with my creative process.  It gave me an idea of what you were looking for in the videos. 

The only thing I had trouble with was putting the video on YouTube.  At first the movie wouldn’t upload do to the fact that my video was in the wrong formatting.  I was able to reformat the video by following some online instructions that allowed me to fix the problem and convert the file to something compatible to the files that YouTube accepted. 

The fact that I learned how to convert the file in the early process I will not have a hard time doing it when the real project is due.  When I create the real project I plan on adding video clips as well as narration and slideshows to the video.  I wanted to add that to the first video, however I haven’t mastered that skill yet.  Once I become more familiar with the complexity of editing movies, I will feel more confident to add other effects and air it online.

Overall the week’s work was a success, and I look forward to working on the next 5-15 min video.

If you would like the check the video you can do so at this web address:

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